JCA Lab Self Assessment Portfolio Assessment Completed (required) We have not assessed the impact of JCA regulations on our portfolio We have mapped out which assets are within scope of the JCA regulations and when We have undertaken PICO prediction to assess probable consolidated PICOs We have planned additional evidence activites to address probable consolidated PICOs Development Plan Updated (required) We have not updated the product development plan(s) to incorporate JCA implications We have started to discuss the implications of JCA for oncology and ATMPs in our portfolio We have started to discuss the implications for all assets in our portfolio We have updated our Development Plans to include broad integrated evidence to meet JCA requirements Roles Clarified including decision rights (required) We have not assessed roles and responsibilities regarding JCA implementation We have assigned a JCA implementation lead who will clarify roles and responsiblities Roles and responsibilities have been agreed within function/region but not rolled out to all Roles and responsibilities have been fully agreed and rolled out across functions and geographies Resourcing Planned and Secured (required) We have not planned any resourcing for JCA implementation We have assessed the anticipated workload associated with JCA implementation and are building our resource requirements We have requested the resources required aligned with our budget planning cycle We have the resources in place to be able to generate additional evidence and to deliver our JCA submission Cross functional teams aligned (required) We have not assessed awareness of JCA within our organisation We have run cross functional JCA awareness sessions within our organisation Functions are individually plannning for the implementation of JCA We have cross functional alignment on how JCA will impact current practices and who is responsible for which element Processes updated and embedded (required) We have not reviewed our existing SOPs We have drafted new SOPs to incorporate JCA for relevant assets whilst maintaining existing process for out of scope products We have approved new SOPs to incorporate JCA for relevant assets whilst maintaining existing process for out of scope products We have embedded new SOPs to incorporate JCA for relevant assets whilst maintaining existing process for out of scope products Name (required) First Name Last Name Email (required) Organisation Submit Submit